Tuesday, March 23, 2010

This is the day...

...Amazon announces the semi-finalists in the ABNA (Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award) contest. Last year they made us wait until about 9 pm. I'm hoping since the reviewing supposedly ended on the 14th or so, that they won't make us wait that long again. It's pure torture.

If so, I'm going to try and keep myself busy. I plan to do some gardening, mow the lawn,write, do a critique, and probably some cleaning.

I couldn't sleep at all last night, I have these huge bags under my eyes. You'll see them in the video. ugh.

It will not be the end of the world if I don't make the cut. I will continue to write. I have plans to revise a few of the novels I already have started (including Lockdown). I will continue my journey towards publication.





  1. Isn't it the quarterfinals announcement today? I wish you the very best of luck and hope you move forward to the next round. I'll be cheering for you! And I hope they don't make you wait so long this year. I remember the wait last year was brutal. I'd finally given up and went to bed and my husband had woken me up early the next morning to tell me I made it through. No wait for me this year though -- got knocked out with the pitch!

  2. Thanks Lisa, yep, it's today. I remember last year. It was like 9 pm PST. I was hoping since they supposedly got the reviews done about ten days ago that they would post early. Maybe 9 am PST (wishful thinking)

  3. Good luck to you and all the other fabulous people I met before getting knocked out in round 1! I wonder if this is why April is the REVISION version of NaNo? (NaNoEdMo or some such nonsense). Waiting stinks! Funny, because the day of the last round was the day I heard about this chance for the cozy, so I was off in a different world which FOR ME was probably better. You'll come through though, in or out.

  4. Good luck Megan! Fingers and toes crossed! Hope you get it, my friend.

  5. Thanks guys. I'm going to be okay either way. I'd like to be in, but I'll move forward if I'm not.

  6. You should do a weekly newspaper book review column. I think you have a knack for it. There are lots of newspapers that do not have a book review columnist. Approach one. A link to your video reviews from the column would be a great draw.

    Just thinking out loud. If you had a your own newspaper column we could all say we knew that lady before she became rich and famous. How cool / hot would that be?

    Oh yes, the countdown is keeping me awake too. good luck.

  7. I was rooting for you based on the strength of your writing and your fierce knee socks. Don't give up yet! Your friendly demeanor kept my spirits up during a full day of page refreshing.

  8. Thank you Michael. I appreciate the kind words.

    And Walter, not sure I'm cut out for the newspaper biz, but it's something to keep in mind.


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