Wednesday, July 14, 2010


A lot of friends have mentioned their muses the last couple days, so I thought I would really sit and ponder where my motivation comes from.

I've always said that my craft mostly reflects life.  Sometimes I get story ideas from my own experiences, or base characters on people I know, myself included, but I need more than that.

The weather.  I know, it's crazy, but the weather has an effect on my mood.  I've always said I write better when I'm my most angsty, but thinking on it, that's not necessarily true.  I also write well when the sun is shining, it's just different.  I don't use as much emotion, I use more energy.  So this kind of yin yang weather thing is definitely a muse for me.

Music.  I cannot listen to music when I write.  I have to have things perfectly quiet and still.  However, music does pop into my head during certain scenes, and in my novel Mending Fences, and now in my WIP Finding Nirvana, music plays a major role.  When I was writing, the second novel I ever wrote, Dena Powers: The Trouble with Boys, there was one scene in which Snow Patrol's Chasing Cars kept popping into my head, urging me along.  Most the time the music is alternative or Indie because those songs just seem to speak to me.

My emotions.  As I said before, the weather directly effects my moods, and my different emotions help me to write in a variety of different ways.  I actually prefer to write when I'm miserable.  I just think I write better when I'm brooding, but there's something to be said for happiness too.

I suppose if my muse took form, this is what she'd look like (and do not make fun of my drawing).

So tell me, how does your muse take form?


  1. I get a lot of my inspiration in those moments before sleep, when the house is quiet, and my mind is at ease. Unfortunately, those flashes of brilliance before sleep often contribute to a complete lack of sleep.

  2. My muse is a french prostitute who wears potent perfume that tickles my nose. She does visit but not nearly often enough.

  3. Jeff, I feel you. I often get flashes of brilliance lying in bed, but I don't ever write at that time. I just hope the flashes don't go away before morning.

    Travis, lol. ;)

  4. Every Monday, I pick a "muse avatar" (read: very hot celebrity) but truly my inspiration comes from my hubby.

  5. I had to resort to keeping a pad by my bed to jot my nocturnal ideas, otherwise I lost too much sleep either developing them while on the pillow, or trying to will myself to remember them upon awakening. I have not figured out how my muse comes or goes, but the visual I get is an open book s/he leaves for me and I have to figure out how to focus enough to read and transcribe what is actually on the pages. Hmmm, kind of like trying to recall info from a cram session pre-test in school.

    By the way, I think your muse would make a stylin' t-shirt...

  6. You and I seem to be very similar on the music front--both what we like and how, though it is part of the writing, it can't be on when we write. I think part of why I've been so successful writing in the tub is the fan drowns out the noise of my family--our house is too small, so normally I can hear the TV or my daughter's music whereever I am.

    Weather is odd for me. I LOVE big weather, so in actuality, if it is doing something dramatic, I am liable to just sit and watch it... better to have it being 'normal' in some form or other.

    My muse is Xavier... and mostly he just dances like I like.

  7. Anon, that's a great idea. I really should do that. And thanks about my muse, maybe I'll make my own t-shirt.

    Hart, I love big weather too, it's the dreary boring gray that makes me angsty. And love your muse's name, I should name mine.

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