Tuesday, August 24, 2010

To Anonymous...

Please stop posting your SPAM in my comments.  The people who read my blog don't care what you're selling.  You're an annoying nuisance that probably needs to go out and find a real job.  And I mean that in the nicest way possible.

Yours truly.


And for my REAL readers, my friend and fellow writer Cat and her family are in a video karaoke contest.  Please vote.  It's the Singing Roberts-Hit the Ground and Run.  Click here to vote.

It's very funny.

Thank you.



  1. Spam is only good when fried and served with a side of taters.

  2. There once was a man named anonymous,
    With the social skills of a hippopotamus,
    He trashed Megan’s blog,
    Making her friends all agog,
    So she bitch slapped him from top to bottomus.

  3. Travis, agreed. Then again. ;)

    Charlie, thank you. Wonderful poem.

  4. Have you HAD a lot of spam? I haven't hardly had any--a little, but very little. I wonder if it has to do with the security of your associated email? Mine is a gmail and I think they are pretty good. I also use Firefox for posting, which is supposed to be good... both are free, if you want to see if it helps.

  5. I took my Dad to the doctor and the drugstore, weeded the garden, organized fall clothes for selling, watched Strange Bedfellows with Rock and Gina, and ate some spam. Does that count? Hope Anon gets the message. How tedious for you!

  6. Okay, whoever posted that anonymous message, that's funny. Jeff, is that you?

    Hart while I was on my hiatus my blog comments got spammed pretty much daily. And I use yahoo and firefox, so, who knows really?

    Deb, :)

  7. Should have figured, Jeff, Mike, somewhat interchangeable. ;)

  8. when I was poor (in the army) I ate spam. Then I graduated to Top Ramen and tuna. Finally baked chicken with Johnny's seasoning and a potatoe.

    I am so glad my spam days are over and I'm a world famous science fiction author.

    I wouldn't even feed spam to aliens from Mars. It could start a war. Hey, there's an idea for another chapter.


My Dad. He's awesome.

John Messina, Personal Injury Attorney

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