Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday Morning Blahg: Obama Osama

I was out last night with friends when I got an alarming phone call.  It was my mother.  She said Obama had been shot and killed.


Yes, Obama.

Married?  Yeah, married.  (oops, sorry, that just reminded me of a scene from Sixteen Candles)

Obama.  I sighed, shrugged, and I think I may have said. "Figures."  My mom must have thought I was crazy.

Did she say Obama?  I don't know.  That's what I heard.  Obviously when I went and sat down at my computer, I found that it was O-SA-ma, that had been killed. Not O-BA-ma.  Needless to say, I was relieved (and a little disturbed at the picture Yahoo decided was appropriate to post of Osama's dead head)

The whole exchange had me giggling this morning.


  1. There has been a lot of mix-ups with the spelling. I read a YouTube comment that said "I want to see Obama's dead body." I assumed that was a typo. Last night I was chanting "Obama got Osama! Obama got Osama!" Say that so many times and you just might catch yourself doing this "Obama got Osama! Obama got Osama! Osama got Obama! Osama got-- wait"

  2. Lol! So you just misheard your mom, right.

  3. What a frightening misunderstanding! I'm no particular fan of Obama's but I certainly don't wish him harm in any way.


My Dad. He's awesome.

John Messina, Personal Injury Attorney

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