Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I lost a blog follower

I guess my transition period was too much for them to take.  Come back follower!! 

I'll miss you. :)


  1. I lose followers all the time. And then they reappear. I think blogger is glitchy, so don't take it personally! Just assume they love you and it was a technical problem. Erm... unless you've just posted a week of naked people. That offends some people. Or so I've heard *shifty*

  2. Maybe they delete their account. We <3 U and when you publish that book you will have thousands of followers :)

  3. Hey...well, you just gained a new one. ;-)

  4. A few days ago I cut down the number of blogs I follow (not yours:-)) because the list got to be WAY too huge. I didn't want to delete anyone, but there are only so many hours in a day. So many blogs, so little time. . .

  5. This is true. I'm following quite a few too. It's hard to keep up. I need to definitely cut the inactive ones and probably some others too.


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