Monday, July 12, 2010

In honor of the Spanish National Team.

I totally forgot to blog Friday.  Man, life has been busy lately which I'll discuss another time.

In honor of the Spanish National Team's win over the Netherlands yesterday, I was going to list some interesting facts about Spain, but I got bored looking, so I'll just say, congrats, your team is smoking hot, in more ways than one, I'll miss the World Cup, I will not miss the vuvuzela.

I'll also just tell you some things I know about Spain off the top of my head. 

The World Cup soccer team is hot except for that defender with the long stringy hair.

When I was in high school we had an exchange student from Barcelona who was in love with me, which was awkward because I was dating one of his exchange student friends.

Spain is in Europe.

The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.

Salvador Dali is one of my favorite artists and it was amazing to see his originals up close and personal at the Vatican Museum.

Selma Hayek vs Penelope Cruz = Hayek wins every time.

Yep, that's about the sum of it meaning, I really know nothing about Spain.  Maybe next time US or Italy can win it.




  1. I would have been able to spout a whole lot about Italy if they'd won...sadly, not their year. Fun post.

  2. Thanks. Yes, I know a little more about Italy. Maybe next time. (I can't believe we have to wait another four years)

  3. omg, those vuvuzelas! But great for Africa to host such a success.

    I love your Spain facts, especially the stuff about the rain on the plain and it being in Europe. Hey, I worked with Salma Hayek -- she is adorable, but like 5 foot nothing. It's amazing how that many curves can fit on so little retail.


  4. :)

    Ha! Yeah, my facts are very informative, right? lol.

    I think Salma is one of the most beautiful people in the world. I bet she was sweet too.

  5. Salma was actually born in Mexico, so Penelope can be the best in Spain.


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