Saturday, October 30, 2010

Video Trailer

So I entered a video competition, because you know how much I love video.  I decided to follow the lead of fellow writer and friend Dwight Okita and create a book trailer for my novel, Never Eighteen.

I would absolutely love it if you would take a look and give me your vote.

Grand prize is a trip to Sundance. :)

Click here to check out my video and vote.

Thanks in advance, I love you people.



  1. I watched it and voted. Love the music you chose! Very moving.

  2. Great video, Megan! Voted. You deserve it. And good luck!
    The Middle Ages

  3. Watched, voted and linked on my facebook.

  4. That was a great trailer.

    My publisher paid for a trailer as part of a review, but they did a terrible job, stealing unrelated images from a popular Sci/Fi movie. The trailer people had no idea what the book was about. I just laughed it off, and went forward.

    I think you could go into the "trailer" business and do a much better job.

  5. It's a great video, Megan--I totally teared up, which is a good gage for me... I definitely want to read your book (not that I didn't before, but now I have a better idea what it's about)

  6. Hi Megan,

    I love the trailer, incredibly emotional. I can't wait to read your book.

    I did leave a comment on ABNA, but I'm glad I found you at your blog. I just entered the blogging world a few weeks ago and love it.

    I now have a blog and would love it if you stop by just to say "Hi!" Here's the link -

    Good luck with the contest. You've done amazing jog on it.


  7. Thank you all. *waves frantically at Joanna*

    Michael, I will definitely stop by the blog.

    Thanks for finding me. :)


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