Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thank you readers

Through my Google alerts, I've found that some readers have added me to their Debut Author Challenge reading list for 2011.  I just want to thank those of you who have added Never Eighteen personally.

If you don't know about the Debut Author Challenge, you need to check out the Story Siren's blog post.  That post also contains a list of book debuting next year.  So far my release date is unknown (thus my novel is at the end of the list), but is scheduled for a Fall release.

I may join the challenge myself.  I know there are some great books well worth reading coming out next year and I definitely want to read my fellow Class of 2k11 novels.

Thanks again to those who've added my novel.  Happy reading!!



  1. This sounds like a great idea to get readers going! I wish I was more liquid... I will definitely read yours and Gae's, but I just can't commit to buying a new book every month, but it seems like an excellent tool for getting people involved.

  2. Yes, it is a great idea. 2011 I'm really going to try to commit to read more, a pleasure I've set aside for lesser ventures.

  3. Thank you for stopping by my blog! I can't wait to read Never Eighteen. :-)

    Kate @ Literary Explorations

  4. And thank you for stopping by mine. I truly hope it doesn't disappoint. :D


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