Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday Free For All

The hotness. We have had record breaking weather here in the Pacific Northwest this week. 102? I don't remember moving to Phoenix. And apparently 60% of households here do not have air conditioning. Including mine. Fans normally do the job, but not this week. It felt as if I were dripping, melting, leaving me nothing but a puddle of flesh on the kitchen floor.

Of course, my kids had a blast. I blew up a rubber raft we have, filled it with water, and put it beneath their slide. They loved it. They didn't even want to go to Grandma and Grandpa's air conditioned house and swim in their nice cold indoor pool. I am always amazed at the simplicity of children's enjoyment.

Me however, trying to catch up on messages, and revisions, and writing, and reading, and cleaning stayed in the sweat box that was my house toiling away. Of course, I did get my bathing suit on and dunk myself in the raft every so often for a break.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I would never do that based on how much I hate to be cold. I definitely prefer the heat. But come on! 102! I think I now know what hell feels like.

Cd of the week, AC/DC Highway to Hell

Show of the week, Rescue Me (I've actually never watched it, but it seemed fitting)

Movie of the week, Backdraft

Book of the Week, Days of Little Texas by R.A. Nelson. Just finished it. Hellfire and damnation. (you can catch my review of it on The Angsty Writer Book Review blog: )



  1. Sounds like our weather patterns have flip-flopped, Megan. Down here it is usually scorching in July-August, but lately the temps have been in the 80s, with pool water temps in the 70s! Brrrr....

  2. Sounds nice right about now to me. :)


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