Monday, July 20, 2009

This weeks top four.

My God things have been just crazy around here. Hmmmm. What to write about? A new top four...hmmm...let's go with, top four fears.

#4 Drowning

This is kind of an irrational fear for me. I have been swimming practically since I was able to walk. I know this doesn't mean I'll never drown, but it gives me a leg up on some people.

There was a period of time when I had this reoccurring nightmare about plunging off a bridge or road and into water. Scariest damn dreams. Always someone in the car with me, usually someone else was driving.

I hate watching movies in which people drown.

And when I found out I was going on a cruise last year, I freaked out.

I really don't know why I fear it so much. Maybe it's just the idea of not being able to control your circumstance, being helpless.


  1. I had the plunging dream, too, Megan. Usually my dad was driving. We'd come down this hill towards a bridge and we'd just soar off the bridge and become airborne. I always woke up before we hit bottom.

    Maybe you were riding with us?


  2. Yes, more than likely. I always woke up before the car started sinking. yikes.

  3. Don't you HATE swimming in the lake/ocean/whatever and having seaweed or something (like a dead body) touch you???

    Can we say panic attack inducing?

    Girl, if you go on to list spiders and spoiled milk products (as you've already listed heights) we'll be fear twins.

  4. um, three out of four isn't bad, is it?


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