Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Top 4 Fears: # 3 Heights

Yep, don't like flying, especially in a 24 seater in a lightning storm (been there done that).

When my husband wanted me to go on the giant slide at the fair last year I simply said no. What I should have said was, "When I get that high up, I start to get dizzy to where I feel I will plummet to my death." Yet, I didn't, so up I went. I did not plummet to my death, but I did not enjoy it all the same.

I do not like to look over ledges of tall decks, towers, etc.

I do not like to look out the window of skyscrapers for fear the glass will break and I will, yep you guessed it, plummet to my death.

Maybe I'm actually afraid of plummeting to my death than anything else. ;)


  1. Me too...the arches of my feet ache in a weird way like they are trying to break through my shoes to root into the ground.

    I HATE ferris wheels.

    Oh, and never watch a horror movie while on a flight...it makes the anxiety worse.

    I fear plummeting to my death as well...it's most that sense of awareness I'd have that I was in the process of dying.

    Oooh, you tapped into a good fear here.

  2. Hee. That's how the sidekick puts it in 'Akeela and the Bee.' When Akeela tells another character that he's afraid of flying, he says, 'No, I'm afraid of plummeting.'

  3. Also, when I'm climbing the stairs in a stadium, like Quest field, if I look down I feel like I'm going to fall. Hate that.


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