Monday, June 28, 2010

Fresh Starts

Sometimes we just need a fresh start in life.  Regroup, refocus, get our crap together.  This is one of these times in my life that I need that.  My hiatus was not taken for writing, I actually didn't write not even one word.  It was taken for personal reasons.  To start over.

Have you ever felt like that, that you just need a clean slate?

So, back to it.  See you tomorrow.




  1. A clean slate can be refreshing. It's nice to just let go, and focus on what is really important to you. All the best, Megan.

  2. I'm glad that you recognized you needed a fresh start. I hope this is the boost you needed. Glad to have you back.

  3. I once put myself on a 6-month sabbatical from . . . well . . . everything I didn't absolutely want or need to do. I finally learned to function within my own priorities instead of those other folks set for me. And when those 6 months were over, I knew I couldn't go back to my old habits of saying "yes" out of guilt or a false sense of obligation. It was a great fresh start for me. :)

  4. Yes! Totally get this.

    And actually have been reading a lot lately about how our brains are getting tired from all the social-media multi-tasking. Apparently, we NEED long bouts of stillness or focus (ie: reading a book) to re-order the synapses.

    So you probably did the best thing you could possibly do!

    xo B

  5. Thank you all so much for your comments. Glad I'm in good company. :)

  6. I'm gearing up for a BIG break & fresh start too. i'm fried, exhausted and need space & silence. good luck Megan!

  7. It's the primary reason I once thought I wanted to be an academic. Then I learned only the TEACHING part has cycles like that... starts and ends. (grants and the quest for funding are ongoing) I ADORE a fresh start.

    Hope your break is giving that to you!


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