Monday, December 26, 2011

Never Eighteen Project Pass It On

So, awhile back, my publicist from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Rachel Wasdyke, and I came up with a campaign to spread the word across the nation about Never Eighteen.

I chose some folks I knew from around the country; friends, writers, Facebook friends, family, and asked them to participate.  The idea was for them to read the book, then to "pass it on", to another reader, teacher, librarian, leave it somewhere for someone to find it, etc.  I told them to be as creative as they wanted, then to record what they did in video, pictures, or words.

I'm not going to post all of these here on my blog (well, maybe I will), I'm going to keep them together on my Facebook Page and will probably vlog about them as well.  However, I just received word from my first Pass It On participant, Melissa Cunningham from Fairview Heights, IL. (No stalking please).  This lovely woman is a Facebook friend and artist (Click here for her artist page on Facebook), and is the first to respond, so I thought I'd share.

Here's what she said:

 Loved your book! I couldn't put it down last night and had to finish it. My husband is going to wait until our copy arrives to read it - he said that we should pass it on now, to get the word out before it is released... So I went to my favorite coffee shop this morning and I was going to leave there. I had a change of plans when I ran into an acquaintance of mine. He is a high school English teacher. I gave it to him. 
I created a bookmark to go inside of the book, explaining the idea of getting the word out and passing the book on. While I was drinking my coffee with a group of friends, I watched him read your book. His eyes filled with tears as he turned the last few pages. He put the book mark in the book and set it on an empty table. Then he got up and called his brother. 

 A few minutes later another patron picked up the book, read the note on the bookmark and began reading! I wish you the best of luck! Happy Holidays and I look forward to January, when my personal copy arrives!"
I want to thank Melissa for participating in Project: Pass it On  I can't wait for the others to come in so I can share.


  1. OMG! I completely agree with Melissa. I started to read this afternoon, and didn't stop until I finished it. So much for getting anything else done today :)

    I also have a teacher friend who is slated to be the first "pass it on" recipient of the book. Will let you know what happens (and love Melissa's idea about the bookmark/note).


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