The first resolution was:
I will be more physically active. Seriously people, I've let myself go. Haven't set foot in a gym, or exercised for MONTHS. So I resolve to get off my ass and get moving.
Well, um, I've exercised. I bought the elliptical and used it, I went bike riding, I let Jillian Michaels kick my ass on occasion. I think I've accomplished this, not as much as I would have liked to, but a little bit.
Next resolution was:
And hopefully with all this action will come the dropping of a few *cough cough* extra pounds I've put on this year.
I didn't lose as much as I wanted, but I did lose seven pounds. Not epic, but something.
Next resolution was:
I will write more. I did write one book this year, Cheesy, which I'm in love with, but I finished that ages ago. I've written very little in the last six months.
I wrote a book again this year, Sliced. I'm rewriting it, so I think I've done well on this one. I don't write every day like I should, but I do write when I can. Day job kind of sucks my creativity right out of me.
I will try once again to find some peace and be happy in life.
The year started off pretty rough. Then I went in and told my doctor I was bi-polar, and I was right. New meds and I've been pretty balanced this year since March. I've had a couple relapses, but not even close to where I was last year and the beginning of this year, so I say this resolution was a WIN.
I think the most important thing is to find out who I am. I know the mother me, the wife me, and the writer me, but I don't really know that much more about myself. I want to explore that and see who comes out in the wash.
I'm not sure I'm there yet. I know I've worked hard to learn web design. I've become a pretty good marketer. I've worked hard to market Never Eighteen. So, I guess I'm a hard worker. But that's not me. I've not been around many people this year, I've stayed pretty home based. I watch myself fairly carefully, being bi-polar I have to be careful with who I go out with and what I do. I'm still that mom, that writer, but I guess I'm not sure what else yet. I guess I'll work on that more again next year.
Tomorrow I'll share the resolutions I've made for myself this year, and hope they stick.
You're honesty is inspiring and best of luck with whatever resolutions you choose for 2012. Will definitely put Never Eighteen on my TBR list.
ReplyDeleteThank you Anita. :)