Monday, September 27, 2010


I haven't been very good at keeping my blog up through the crazy summer.  I think now (maybe) I'll get back to it at least a few days a week.

So, I've been trying to come up with a follow up book to Never Eighteen, and have no idea what to write.  I have two finished YA manuscripts, but not sure they're going to fly (even though in my opinion they rock, but I might be biased).  I started a new one tentatively titled Sad.  And yes, I still have Finding Nirvana, and another one I've started but haven't found my groove on them yet.

I'm also involved in the awesome Class of 2k11 group.  It's a group of debut YA and MG authors getting together and helping each other market our books.  This group started with authors from 2007 and has been going since.  We have some exciting stuff that we're doing.  Our official launch is 11-11-10.  You can look us up on Facebook.

That is all I've been up to aside from my new job and soccer. 

What have you been up to?




  1. Cool on the Class of 11 group! Good luck with that!

    I started a new website,, to help writers improve their action scenes and reach modern readers through the use of cinematic techniques.

  2. I'll check out the new website Ian. Thanks.

  3. That's awesome that you have two finished YA manuscripts. Is the book you have coming out a MG title?

    As far as what I've been doing, it's been all about querying agents. Lots of waiting in that department. I also wrote an article for Boys' Life, which is a Boy Scouts magazine, so I'm waiting to hear back from them. Hopefully they'll accept my work!

  4. Two finished YA books? Nice! Congrats.

    Sometimes when I'm struggling with what to write, I read a lot. An idea usually shakes out.

  5. You'll find your groove for the next book--your life has seen enough upheaval that it makes sense you'd have a little scuffle here, but you will definitely get it back on track.

    Is the class of 2K11 only for people with publication dates? Any chance of including write-for-hire peons? My book is due Dece. 31, but the turn around on them is faster than for the author initiated variety. I'd love to hear more though (and see if MAYBE I qualify)

  6. Maybe a YA around soccer? Mom's on a team and kid is on a team. Angsty?

    I'm revising a novel and getting another ready for Kindle.

  7. the class of 2k11 is only for ya and mg authors, and no, we don't have to have release dates, just a time frame for 2011, for instance, I only know mine is coming out in the fall of 2011, but I don't have a date.

    this year however, membership has closed.

    And Janet, just about every novel I've written has soccer in it a little bit. lol. But I have considered writing a book about select soccer.

  8. AHA! Thanks for the scoop Megan! My current ideas tend to be YA, but My cozy certainly isn't. I will have to keep an eye though, as I love to read YA.

  9. I also have two other YA books, one in revisions and one in draft form.

    Happy writing.


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