Monday, September 20, 2010

We Make Our Bed...

...and most days we have to sleep in it.

The tragedy we call life.

That is all.




  1. hmmm, some days I don't make my bed at all.

    just saying.


    (love you, sweetie).

  2. I typically wait until late in the day to make my bed because one of our cats curls up on my husband's pillow the minute my husband gets out of bed -- and neither my husband nor I want to disturb the cat because the cat is so cute and we are silly ninnies who place a cat's comfort over the visual splendor of a neatly made bed.

  3. Honestly, I didn't make my bed either. ;)

  4. I only make the bed when I change sheets, though I do have to straighten the covers before going to bed again, as Mr. Tart has a propensity to pull the covers up around his neck, and I prefer my feet covered.


My Dad. He's awesome.

John Messina, Personal Injury Attorney

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