Wednesday, October 6, 2010

And Ah-ha Moment

I was feeling stuck with the novel I'm working on, didn't know how to start, where to go with it, so I took some time at my daughters soccer game yesterday to jot a few notes down, plot points, a chronology of sorts.  Still wasn't really feeling it.

This morning I had my AH-HA moment where everything came together, and now I can't wait to get started.

I love those moments.

Do you remember your last Ah-ha moment?




  1. Awesome! I DO remember my last a-ha moment because it was random. I was struggling through a book I was reading - the story was flat, the characters difficult to read, the writing so-so. And then, I read one sentence in that book that somehow brought everything together for one of my own projects. They have NOTHING in common, but that one sentence somehow connected the dots.

  2. I dont... it couldnt have been TOO long ago. Right?!? >:(

    But glad you've had one. They are always so, so good.

  3. Mine tend to come in the shower.

    I know that sounds dirty and wrong, but really when stuck I get in the shower and there in the steam my mind seems to clear.

  4. LOVE LOVE LOVE those! It is the writer's equivalent of the runner's high, I think. I had an editing one very recently--I was walking along editing a DIFFERENT part and actually had to stop and write a flurry of notes so I woulnd't forget.


My Dad. He's awesome.

John Messina, Personal Injury Attorney

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