Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Monday Monkey Madness

Yeah, I know it's Tuesday, but I don't like blogging on Tuesdays and didn't have time to blog yesterday #wheredidmylifego.  So, it's Monkey Madness Monday today.

Got back from a soccer tourney on Sunday for Thing One's team (we bought her and her friend Thing One and Two footie pjs while we were there).  The team played hard.  Ref's lost one game for them.  They lost the other all on their own, and won one.  We had a good time, stopped through Leavenworth on the way home.  No, not the prison, the quaint German town in Washington.

Thing Two's team one 5-0.  Wish I could have transported and seen it.

Non sequitur:  The Class of 2k12 launches officially tomorrow.  We're having some great giveaways, a giving back program, and monthly contests.  Oh, yeah, and we have some rockin' teen fiction coming out next year.

Be sure to check us out on Twitter, Facebook,youtube, and on our website.  You can also sign up to receive the Class newsletter and keep up with all our releases and giveaways. (we promise, only once a month).

That's all from me.  Have a great Monday, I mean, Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun weekend! Actually it kinda sounds like my weekend, minus the footie pajamas and leavenworth.


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