Monday, October 17, 2011

Monkey Madness Monday

I love this monkey.  He appears to be forlorn about something.

So, it's Monday.  The weekend was half crazy, half quietly productive. If you subscribe to my youtube channel, you probably know part of the craziness that was my Friday night.  If not, you can watch it here.

Two soccer games, two wins.  Lots of fun. A friend came over Saturday night.  I was exhausted and a little tipsy and fell asleep on her (not literally on her, but you know what I mean).  She still loves me though.

And I caught up with blog posts (almost) and work for the Class of 2k12.  I have a few more things to do to get ready for my book release.

I can't believe it's getting so close.  I don't think I'll ever feel ready.

Oh, yeah, and there's that pesky work in progress to revise.  I'd like to have it done by November 1st, but I'm not sure that's realistic.

Don't forget, it's Teen Read Week.  Get your teens to their local library and have them pick out something to read for fun!!!


  1. When I was a little girl, I begged my mom for a pet monkey. I would have wanted the one in your post :-)
    Wishing you a productive, but not crazy maddening, week...

  2. Good luck finishing the WIP. I bet you can do it!

  3. Hey Megan,
    Looking forward to reading your book. I'm still revising my first but at the same time I'm getting ready to start my second for NaNoWriMo. Keep on chugging along. And I'm working on a new video for Chronicals of an Aspiring Writer 2.0 - just so you know I haven't dropped the ball on it.

  4. Thanks all. I've I don't get the WIP done at the beginning of November, I'm going to use NaNo to do it.


My Dad. He's awesome.

John Messina, Personal Injury Attorney

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