Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Release Party!!

So, some crazy things happened. Things that were out of my control.

Snow. Yes we got snow, it was clearing, but then the forecast was for a huge snow storm, the biggest we'd had in a long time. It was supposed to hit Tuesday night, just in time for my release party. Luckily, it held off.

Two days before the party the guy from the library told me he'd talked to the bookseller and that he was out of town. We had apparently had a miscommunication about who was setting this up. I thought it was him, he thought it was me. Oops. He was able to get the sellers cashbox and credit card supplies, but we didn't have anyone to sell the books. My mom, cousin, and a friend stepped up.

Because of the snow, half the books didn't show up. I had to bring two boxes of my own books to sell at the party. We still ran out and a few people were left disappointed (which I'll hopefully be able to make up for soon)

Also because of the impending storm, we moved the book talk and signing up about an hour as we knew people would leave early to avoid icy roads. Unfortunately, this angered a few people, but I would have rather had people leave earlier then get into accidents on their way home.

That said, the party was awesome. We had a great turnout despite the weather. It was amazing to see my family and friends, and TOTAL STRANGERS there to buy my books and get them signed.

We had yummy food and cookies. Food was by Viafore's Deli and cookies by Corina Bakery.

We had actors set to do a reading from my book. The boy actor fell through because of the weather, but the library guy, Dave, stepped in and did the part. After all he was a teacher at School of the Arts and an actor himself. I think they did a great job.

I think most everyone had a good time. I know I did! And here's what I woke up to this morning.

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