Monday, January 2, 2012

Monkey Madness Monday: Goals, Obstacles, and My Addiction to Netflix

So, it's officially the commencement of 2012 (resolutions don't begin on the 1st, at least in my world), so thus begins the attempt to reach all my goals for the year. Today will actually be a little difficult because I'm going to be taking down the Christmas decorations and cleaning house, but I will fit in the elliptical, hopefully some writing and reading (there's a book I need to finish in the next couple days).

There are things I'll have to sacrifice to reach my goals for the year, and this is all part of my resolutions to balance my time. I need to cut back on the Netflix. This will be hard because I think it's actually become a crutch for me on the weeks my kids are at their dads.

When they're gone, I crawl into bed early with my Kindle and watch stuff, right now I'm watching Gray's Anatomy. I just need to shift gears. Instead of crawling into bed and watching Netflix, I need to be reading. OR, I need to not crawl in to bed and I need to be writing.

As you all know, if you've been reading me for awhile, I suffered from exhaustion the last few months of the year, so I'll have to fight this as well. It leaves me too tired to do much of anything except lay around and watch shows and movies. I'm going to kick exhaustion's ass this year to get my butt on the elliptical and get back to the things I love, reading and writing.

But I'll probably need to take baby steps.

Do you have any goals you want to reach this year? What are some obstacles you foresee that may keep you from those goals? How will you get past them.


  1. Good luck kicking your Netflix addiction! I have to kick the Pinterest addiction because all of those great ideas lead to more crafty pursuits instead of writerly commitment :-/ Happy New Year.

  2. Oh yeah, I was just interested to Pinterest. That could be an all day time drain.

  3. I finally had to cancel my Netflix a few months ago, though now I receive e-mails that say "please come back to us!" and I feel like I'm being pestered by a former lover.

    I have a job that allows me a lot of free time--reading, writing, blogging and the like-- but all of this quickly became NETFLIX TIME.

    It's a complete rabbit hole.

    I ended up having to just binge my way to rock bottom by forcing myself to finish all seasons of Mad Men and then cancel the subscription before I could look back... so entertaining, but such a time suck.

    Better to save that stuff for when you're sick-- that's the only really good excuse!

    OH and your latest post about not knowing your kids were going back to school is hilaaaarious... but really, why so early?! Geeze, academia.


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