Thursday, March 1, 2012

Class of 2k13: Call for Members!

As you know, I am a member of the Class of 2k12, well, the Class of 2k13 is open for membership!

"The 2K Classes" are a network of groups for debut YA and MG authors that focuses on marketing its members' work. Unlike other debut author groups, the 2K groups' main focus is marketing - you have to pay dues, commit a certain amount of time each month, etc. 2K has become relatively well-known in library and book-selling circles, so there are definite benefits to joining.

Basic Requirements:

1. This must be your first book*, either middle-grade or YA, scheduled for release in 2013
2. Your publisher must be listed in the Children's Writers and Illustrators Marketplace or be an SCBWI PAL publisher.

3. You must be willing to commit 10-15 hours per month to the group and pay the required dues.

Debra Driza and Liesl Shurtliff will be heading this fantabulous group. If you're interested in 2k13 or have any questions, please contact Liesl, at sendliesl(at)gmail(dot)com and she will send more information.

They are going to take authors on a first-come-first-serve basis and will cap the group at 20 members. Space fills up fast so don't delay!


The first 2k class was founded in 2007 by Greg R. Fishbone and has been a strong promotional network/outlet for debut YA & MG authors every year since. Here are some 2k alumni you might be familiar with: Jay Asher, Melissa Marr, Rebecca Stead, Sara Zarr, Jo Knowles, Nancy Viau, Sydney Salter, Rhonda Hayter, Jeri Smith-Ready, and Jennifer Hubbard, among many other talented authors. And word on the street is that there might be a 2k Alumni group formed in the future.

Here are links to check out all the past Class of 2k websites, books & members:

Class Mission Statement:

"The Classes are a community of YA/MG debut novelists banding together to use group synergy to promote their books. Typically, group activities include developing common promotional materials (website, blog, other social media, postcards, brochures, etc.); creating press releases and/or hiring a group publicist; forming panels to speak at conferences; and supporting one another while sharing information about the publishing world as we discover it."

*If your first publisher did not meet the listed requirement (i.e. self-published), but your current publisher does, then you can still be considered a "debut" author.

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