Monday, March 19, 2012

Monkey Madness: Time to Pull the Purse Strings

Monday again. These last couple years have been a bit crazy and a total money drain. Between getting divorced and having to furnish a new house, buying a car, and publicizing my novel, let's just say the saving is running dry.

Plus, I'm taking a vacation to AZ in hopes of replenishing my vitamin D levels, AND I'm headed to New York in June for Book Expo America.

The problem? I'm not a good saver. In fact, I'm the opposite of a good saver. First and foremost, I'm going to prepare my kids. I'm usually pretty liberal with the spending money. They're definitely going to have to earn it, and they only get what they earn.

Me, well, I'm going to have to make a list of what's important and go from there. First thing to go is cable television. I don't watch it. Kids don't watch it. Right there I'll save about$30 a month. Wants vs needs. ugh.

Do you have any good strategies for saving money?


  1. I love that you're really trying to be a good role model for your daughters! So wonderful and when they buy their first house you'll realize how it will have paid off, literally ;)

  2. yeah, let's hope it pays off. lol.


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