Saturday, November 12, 2011

Special Edition Frustration Post!!! Grrr >:(

I've repeatedly gone to blogs around the netverse, read them, and tried to respond.  For some reason, Blogger has refused to post me under my google account.

So I tried my wordpress account.


So I tried my Name/URL, which worked a couple times.  Today? No.

I even tried to post as anonymous.


And I don't have those other thingies, LiveJournal, AIM, whatever, whatever

Anyone else having this problem?  It's driving me mad!!!  I'm trying to be a good fellow blogger, but BLOGGER ISN'T LETTING ME!!

*shakes fists at the Blogger gods*


  1. This happened to me quite a bit until I read somewhere that if you log out of your blogger account and then sign in using website then it will let you post comments.

    It worked for me.


  2. I've had problems with this and found that if when signing into blogger, that little box underneath is checked 'do you want to stay signed in' then it won't let me comment. I have to log out, uncheck that box and log back in to have my comments excepted.

  3. Yep, the same thing happened to us. Uncheck the "keep me signed in" box and it should be fixed (just don't forget your password).

  4. Didn't work for me. Maybe I've been blacklisted.


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