Monday, November 7, 2011

Monkey Madness Monday

Yes, it is Monkey Madness Monday!!  I've turned over a new leaf. (again) of course I had some serious motivation this time.  I was watching some of the old chronicle videos I've done, and i was skinny.  I want to be that girl again without all the mental problems. :)

So this weekend was my last hurrah, I ate pizza and last night had some Francis Ford Coppola wine.  I also got on the elliptical twice and just finished Jillian Michaels yoga torture this morning.

Back to the good carbs and fiber.  I even ate breakfast this morning ( I never do).  I am going to lose this weight before my release.  Holidays be damned!

Life is getting more normal, school soccer is over, I'm almost done with my to-do list for my release other than party details.  Life is good.

What goals are you shooting for before the end of the years?


  1. Congratulations on getting everything sorted out!

    Goals for the end of the year: Finish the first draft of the sequel to my first book, and not fail my first quarter classes. Completing one might mean forfeiting the other...

  2. Oh, man--I SO hear you! I have been doing Weight Watchers since mid September. Progress is slow, but at least mostly in the right direction. I really need to keep at it through the holidays, too. I will give myself maybe 3 exception days, but I need to know I can get back on plan because i have a lot to lose.

    I ALSO have 2 books to finish by the end of December. My NaNo novel (15K in) and my 3rd Cozy Mystery (about 20K in)

  3. good goals. I have to finish revisions on my WIP. Hoping to have it done by the end of the month.


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