Monday, December 12, 2011

Monkey Madness Monday: The Word is Love

Did you know Dec. 14 is Monkey Day?
So . . . love.  It's used to express a lot.  I love pizza, I love sock monkeys, I love writing, I love you.

Um, so when I tell someone I love them, I'm pretty much equating them to my collection of sock monkeys.

No.  Doesn't work for me anymore.  I don't love people the same way I love pizza, sock monkeys, and writing.

The truth? I don't like the word anymore.  It doesn't mean anything.  In fact, it feels fake when I say it, when speaking about or to someone dear to me.

The word is taken for granted, overused if you will.  It's become cliche.  I think we need a different word.  It seem like every other language has a different word for these different types of love.  I think the English language should too.

When I tell someone I love them, I want it to mean more than the superficial love we have for material objects or our favorite meal or destination.  It needs to be a word that transcends words.  You feelin' me?

What do you think?  Any ideas?


  1. Snow Patrol says, "Those three words are said too much, they're not enough."


My Dad. He's awesome.

John Messina, Personal Injury Attorney

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