Monday, June 15, 2009

Top 4 Pet Peeves: # 4 Jesus SPAM

Thanks for reading last week's top four, and for weighing in. This week's is a little lighter, my top four pet peeves. The first is what I like to call Jesus SPAM

Let me get something clear right here, I have nothing against, Jesus. What I do have a problem with is people sending their religion to my inbox and then trying to guilt me into forwarding it to ten more people.

Jesus and I have a private relationship. I don't need anyone telling me I need to make it better. I don't like to read sappy fictional tales about miracles in order to teach me a lesson in morality. I don't appreciate you telling me I need to pray.

I really don't appreciate you telling me if I don't forward the e-mail I will spend an eternity in hell, or that my prayers will be answered. That's a bunch of crap. The e-mails that at the end say, if you believe in God (or Jesus) send this to ten friends. What if I don't send it on? That doesn't necessarily mean I don't believe, it only means that I don't forward stupid cheesy e-mails to my friends and family. I also don't think I need to quantify my relationship with God or Jesus to anyone. It's none of your business.

I apologize if this blog comes off as harsh, but to me, faith is a private thing. What I do or don't believe is no one's business. I also don't think it's right for people to push their religion on anyone else unless it's asked of them. My two cents.

Come back tomorrow for my # 3 pet peeve.

Thanks for reading.





  1. you and I are so much alike it's scary Bostic.


  2. We may just be the same person. ;)

  3. You know, I'm never offended when someone sends me a morality story or forwards their religious beliefs. I treat it the same way I treat those nice missionary kids who come to my door every once in a while, to invite me to their church. I'm always friendly. I may even have a 5 minute discussion about where I go to church and why I like it. I admire people who feel comfortable talking about their religion and/or spirituality with other, being your typical private Catholic. And I have even more admiration for those people who go to strangers' doors (because their church tells them to) and know that more often than not the resident will hide from them, or rudely shoo them away. That said, I don't care if the email is about God, poop, pets, or a new scientific finding. If it ends with "forward this to 10 people or (fill in the horrible consequence here) it goes in my trashcan immediately. I tell my friends they can send whatever they want as long as it's not a chain email.

  4. Yes, Carol, I completely agree with you. I like to discuss religion with people. I am always interested in other's beliefs and how they came to those beliefs. My husband loves talking to those who come to the door, though I am more the hiding, shooing type of person (of course I don't answer the door for any kind of solicitors be it to sell me windows, chocolates, magazines, or God). But e-mail is different. definitely chain mail. Discussing religion is different than having someone ram it down your throat. Just my two cents. Thanks for responding. :)

  5. Pimping Jesus on the internet! Pearls before swine?

    Ruben M. Stotsy


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