Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Addictions, vices, and whatever gets you through...

Do you have one? two? three? What are they?

I have my share. I was going to drop them all at once, but thought for the safety of my family, that was probably not the best idea. I get kind of grumpy when dropping my vices. Ended up, none were cast off.

And then I had a revelation this morning. Not so much a revelation as a slap in the face or maybe even a punch in the nose. One of them HAS to go.

There are certain things that take you over. They creep up silently like death. At first, it's just a tease. But quickly becomes part of you, possessing you like a demon.

And you wonder how you let it get this far out of control. You try and tame the beast, but it's hard. But you have to keep trying. If you don't, you know one day it will destroy you.

So, I'm trying again. It's all I can do.

But the coffee stays.

Kisses :*



  1. I am so completely an all or nothing person. I am totally in or totally out... Moderation is not among my skill sets. So yes... several addictions. Writing is my main one at the moment. Trying to have fitness be one but I know from experience that one doesn't stick until I LOOK GOOD... But there is also my love of India Pale Ale, coffee, Facebook, blogging, Harry Potter, men wielding swords... Trying to bound the alcohol one in the fitness one (can have it if it's within points) so that I don't have to claim it's moderations... oh, the ways we deceive ourselves to succeed...

  2. LOL. You and I are a lot alike. Have many of the same addictions. Trade IPS with red wine, and never thought of men wielding swords. I'll have to look into one.

  3. Hmmm...I have a hard time dropping addictions completely, but over time most of my bad ones have dwindled to almost nothing. I drank like a fish for about 15 years, but only a few times a year now. I smoked weed several times a day for about 20 years, but not looking to add that one again; the panic attacks were killing me. I could maybe handle a hit once a year. Dumped the caffeine addiction recently. Still addicted to sweets. Definitely addicted to sleep and naps.

    The two big addictions I want to become addicted to again are riding and writing. Used to be ride my bicycle 20 miles a day and wouldn't mind getting that one back. Used to write a couple thousand words a day, but now I have to force myself to do it. Still love it though.

  4. Yes, writing is an addiction for me too. Nothing I'd rather be doing. The riding thing sounds good.

    Why can't I become addicted to exercise.


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