Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Addiction Part Two

Rather than the things I AM addicted to, such as Facebook, the Internet in general, red wine, Doritos and coffee. Here are some things that would be more beneficial and productive that I wish I could be addicted to.


Housework in general. I would love to love mopping, doing dishes, dusting, vacuuming, but alas, I don't.

Research. I'm sure this in some way would be beneficial to my writing. But, though I don't loathe research, I'm not a fan either.

Editing. Yep. The part of writing I don't like.

Vegetables. In general, I'm not a fan. If it's not a salad, I have to force myself to eat it. And even sometimes if it is a salad.

Exercise. I'd love to be smiling and happy while Jillian Michael's tells me I'm lazy. But I'm not. I'm gasping.

Why can't we innately be drawn to these types of things? Why do addictions always have to be things that either make you lazy, fat, or dead? It's got to be a joke right? The ultimate joke by the higher power?

Higher power: "Hey let's give them the ability to create all these amazing things that they will be drawn to, that taste good and make them feel great, and then make it toxic to them! HAHAHAHHA!"

We are not amused.




  1. Exercise will make a WONDERFUL addiction. LOL.


  2. I actually have been addictive about exercise and it IS pretty cool. It only works though, if you do it pretty much daily. When I was in college I ran probably 6 days a week and as I got about halfway through my last class I started twitching... It was FABULOUS (and meant I could drink all the beer I wanted *sigh*) but I don't have the time to fit it in every day and the 4 days a week I currently do, doesn't establish that.

    I will NEVER be addicted to cleaning or editing. Those are two activities that SUCK. And honestly... the editing nuts I know who try to write, get bogged in the minutea and go really slowly--you can let that one go without guilt.

  3. addicted in the compulsive sense--have to admit, i am to cleaning. if it's not spotless, i am lady macbeth. it's sick i know. but i don't love cleaning. i just...need to do it.

    addiction in the vice sense. dessert. can't live without it. would be so much trimmer without it. my husb jokes when i'm on the one-dessert-a-day diet.

  4. Thanks for all your comments guys. Hart I know what you mean about being addicted to exercise. I've been there. It takes making it a habit and then feeling the need to do it. I'm working on that this week.

    Jenny, come to my house and you can clean all you want. ;)

    I can do without the dessert, but not the Doritos. :)


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