Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tuesday T is for Time Off

Yep, that's me taking time off from my blog yesterday.  Did I mean to?  No.  In fact when I sat down to write this today, I was starting the Monday Morning Blahg until I realized it was Tuesday.

That is the sign of a good weekend.  And it was, it was fun and lazy and sunny.  Friday night I stayed in and watched Black Swan which I thought was very good though a bit disturbing.  Saturday I went to a beautiful wedding with friends (one of which I would like to be my boyfriend).  Sunday, I took a totally lazy day, well, not really lazy.  I did write, and work on some marketing stuff.  But I got to take my time and take breaks.

Yesterday I worked in my yard, mostly shoveling.   Which is a story in itself.  When I moved into my house, the previous owners had these two berms in which he planted flowers, at the front of my driveway.  I thought they were ugly and I kept running over them with my car, so I decided I would turn them into tiered herb gardens.  I started digging out the edges so I could pour some concrete (to make it a little easier to back out of my driveway) and so I could edge the garden

At the corner of one of the berms, I found concrete underneath, which kind of threw a monkey wrench in my plans.  So, yesterday, I decided to dig into the berm to find out how far the concrete went.  Well, I found that it was about two feet wide, and went from the sidewalk all the way to the house.  I dug it out as far as where I wanted my herb garden, but was completely mystified as to why someone would put a flower bed, and sod over a strip of concrete.

So, I'm still going to put my garden in, I just don't really have a plan of action, instead of them being triangular, I think I'll make them square.  I guess.

Anyway, after that, I sat in the sun and read while drinking a glass of wine, took a nap (which if you know me, you know I NEVER do), watched Invictus, which was excellent, and went to bed.

I even forgot to set my alarm clock, so I woke up a little late. Oops.

How was your holiday weekend?



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