Monday, July 25, 2011

Monkey Madness Monday

Tamarin monkeys
Look at these monkeys <-------- They're so cute they look like stuffed animals.

So, I had an eventful weekend.  A writer meetup with my fellow Harbingers of Doom, Danny Marks, J. Anderson Coats, and Marissa Burt -- two 2K12er and an Apocalypty. 

Then I got a bout of the 24 hour flu.  Good times.  I hate being sick.  I'm not good at standing still, especially when there is so much to do.  It was hard to walk by a weed without pulling it, look at the dishes in the sink, see the mound of laundry.  But I always overdo it when I'm sick, prolonging my illness.  I was a good girl this time.

Then I stressed, panicked, and nearly collapsed over my option book.  If you don't know what an option book is, it's when your publisher has right of first refusal over  your next novel.  It's a lot of pressure.

On a more positive note, I'm taking an HTML class today.   My goal: to be self sufficient at producing websites and maintaining the one at my day job.  I bought a book, but I'm much better at being shown how to do something.  So I'm very excited.  Then I have a four day writer's retreat I'm conducting at the ocean with four friends.  We're each giving a presentation, writing, having fun, and socializing.  I'm really looking forward to it.  We're going to come up with a pithy name for it and do it annually.

That's about that for a Monday.

How's your Monday so far?


  1. You are awesome. That is all. (Well, that's not all, but that's enough!)

  2. Crazy so far. Awesome hike in the woods before this ugly storm moved in, almost 1000 words on the WIP before noon. Would have done more except our REALTOR called at 11 asking to show the house in 15 minutes. You've never seen cleaning like what DH and I accomplished in that short period of time. Speed cleaning. Not such a bad idea.

    Hope you're feeling better. Have a great time on your retreat (how couldn't you?)


My Dad. He's awesome.

John Messina, Personal Injury Attorney

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