Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Short hello.

Just poppin' in to say hi, and to tell you never to abandon your dreams.

Carry on.





  1. I'm trying to make my dreams come true. I had a mini writing contest on my own website searching for inspiration for a new chapter for my America's Galactic Foreign Legion science fiction series.

    Someone actually came up with a good idea (we have a winner) The writer came up with a funny idea about "The Frunk," a contagious disease that panics aliens because they think it will make the leap from humans to aliens. Actually, the Frunk is nothing more than a pimple, but hey, pimples can be scar stuff. Call out the hazmat people in the moon suits! "The Frunk" has to be stopped!

    Anyway, I posted the chapter that "the frunk" inspired on my website www.waltknight.yolasite.com

    Sorry Megan, this is what happens when you're away. We get all frunked up.

  2. Hello!! Miss you!!

    Guess what - I have 77,000 words and 266 pages in the WIP! WHOOOOO!!!

    Just thought you'd like to know. ;)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. "It's just a dream until it's in writing, then it becomes a goal." Mike & Mike on the radio today.

  5. Thanks for popping in guys. Yes B. good job. W00t!!

    And there's my strange chinese friend that likes to post nasty chinese stuff to my blogs. weird.


My Dad. He's awesome.

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