Saturday, December 18, 2010

Friend or Foe Friday (yeah I know it's Saturday): Jim King and Bill Warrington

If you've not read Bill Warrington's Last Chance, you need to.  Because Jim King's novel, which was the winner of the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest in year two, and where I met him, is becoming a MOVIE!!!  How inspiring is THAT?!?!  It's one thing to get published in the first place, but when that novel becomes film?  That's big.

And this couldn't happen to a nicer guy.  While I've never met him in person *cough, cough, come to Seattle for a book signing, cough* I've spoken to him on the ABNA threads and facebook, and he's just a kind, humble guy.

The movie is being produced by Barry Josephson,  who has been behind "Enchanted," "Aliens in the Attic," "Hide and Seek" and "The Ladykillers." *shivers shoot down spine*

So, buy your novel today, read it, give it as a Christmas gift.  Then you'll be ready when the movie version comes out.



  1. Yes! So excited about this. And, with a step-mother who suffers from Alzheimer's, this story hits close to home.

  2. I know. It's next on my list "to read"


My Dad. He's awesome.

John Messina, Personal Injury Attorney

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