There's my 2K11 group, basically we're all in this crazy rollercoaster that is the publishing biz together. It's nice to have that kind of support.
Some of the people in my office went to the Red Cross Real Heroes Breakfast this morning. I didn't go this time, but have in the past. The people honored there are those who go out of their way or risk their lives to help someone else, a stranger even. If that's not inspiring, I don't know what it.
Rusty also has been inspiring me to keep my chin up and look at the good all around me. If you read my post yesterday, he's the one who told me when I'm feeling down to think about what I'm thankful for and why.

It's a choice. We all have it. I choose it.
I can't even begin to tell you how happy this post made. Oh ye scatterer of joy, ye!