Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thought Provoking Thursday: Resolve

At first, there was no way I was going to make another New Year's resolution.  Nu-uh.  No way. I went back to my last year's resolutions and you know what EPIC FAIL.


However, as you know if you've been reading me a while, it's been a rough road this year.  Breakdowns, divorce, new house, new job, it's been hard to find balance.  I've started to see a pattern though this time of year, that's right life, I'm catching on to you, so next time this year I will be ready for it. (plus having a book come out at the same time doesn't suck either)

So this is my resolve for the upcoming year.  I'm not going to promise to achieve them, but I'm going to try like hell.

I will be more physically active.  Seriously people, I've let myself go.  Haven't set foot in a gym, or exercised for MONTHS.  So I resolve to get off my ass and get moving.

And hopefully with all this action will come the dropping of a few *cough cough* extra pounds I've put on this year.

I will write more.  I did write one book this year, Cheesy, which I'm in love with, but I finished that ages ago.  I've written very little in the last six months.

I will try once again to find some peace and be happy in life.

I think the most important thing is to find out who I am.  I know the mother me, the wife me, and the writer me, but I don't really know that much more about myself.  I want to explore that and see who comes out in the wash.

I want this year to be more than good.  I want it to be epic.

So what are you resolving for the upcoming year?  What are your goals and desires for yourself?

Happy New Year.

Stay safe, don't drink and drive.



  1. I adore your goal to know who you are. If you want any help, visit my friend Lisa's site: Get a reading. She's awesome.

  2. Of course, in this year of dreck (paraphrasing here) you've learned how brave you are. Something I admire greatly in you.

    I hope your resolve carries you through 2011. I love being on this book journey with you.

  3. Thanks Gae. I think there are times when we're forced to be brave about our situations and make difficult decisions.

    And I'm so happy to be on this journey as well. Couldn't ask for a better travel companion.

  4. Those are great resolutions and I hope 2011 is so much better for you. I can't wait to read Cheesy. Some of our goals are similar...I definitely WILL write more.

  5. Great resolutions, Megan! You can do it -- you're on your way already.

    Happy New Year! xo B

  6. Thanks everyone. Happy New Year to you all. Let's make 2011 epic.


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