Monday, December 6, 2010

Manic Monday

More like Panic Monday.  I went to a book release party the other night for the charming Holly Cupala.  As I stood watching a video she and her husband put together, and seeing the name Ellen Hopkins pop up on the screen saying how wonderful Holly's novel is, I started to panic.  Just sitting here writing it I'm starting to panic again.

I started thinking about my novel, Never Eighteen.  Wondering if anyone would say nice things about it, like Ms. Hopkins did for Holly.  Wondering if I would get an author to blurb it for me.  Wondering if people would love it or hate it.  

I have to step back from the ledge and realize, some people will not like it.  It's just a fact.  As far as blurbing?  I hope I get blurbs from authors, but if I don't, maybe it's not the end of the world?

Okay, enough panicking. 

Now I'll just lament.  Looks like I lost a blog follower. :(  Such is life.

Tomorrow's Twofer Tuesday will feature author, Val Conrad, so be sure to come check it out.

Be great today everyone.



  1. We have all come a long ways this year, from angst to success.

  2. Megan, keep writing and the blurbs will come. ;-)


  3. Only way to know on those other authors is to ASK. I think publishers (and agents) do part of that, but if there is somebody you particularly admire or emulate that you wanted to ask personally to read it BECAUSE you feel like they've influenced you, it is worth a shot. When I interviewed Harry Dolan, that Stephen King blurb was one of the things I specifically asked about (what a freaking coup, right?) You will get some... just don't be afraid to put yourself out there a little.

  4. All writing will always infect and affect someone in a good way and yours will. Novels' words are forever, They will not die or whither no matter what somone may say.


My Dad. He's awesome.

John Messina, Personal Injury Attorney

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