Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thought Provoking Thursday: Egged

Last night as I took my daughters to see the Deathly Hallows (which totally rocked BTW) my brand new Toyota Sienna was egged in the parking lot.  I looked around at nearby cars, none of them seemed to be egged, just mine.  First of all, your kids should not be out egging cars in the middle of the afternoon.  They should be doing homework, or participating in sports or other extracurricular activities that does not involve ovum propelling.

Secondly I'm thinking, "Kids actually still do this?"  I mean, with as far as we've come technologically speaking, if they're not doing homework or sports why aren't they on their computers, x-boxes, wii's, cell phones, etc, etc.  They still get rudimentary enough to "egg"?

Then I wondered, why me?  Of all the cars in the lot, why mine?  I parked a little over the mid-line, I admit, I considered moving it, but the lot was far from full, there were plenty other places, closer to the theater to park.

Someone suggested it's because I drive a foreign car.  Doubtful.  I don't think kids care about that kind of stuff (yes, I am making an assumption that these were teens, but I really can't see an adult going around randomly egging cars, however, I know I could be wrong). 

It could be because it's new and they're jealous.  And I wish they would read this because I'm going to say something.  I've never owned a new car in my life.  Could never afford to.  I always got them used, and always drove them until I just couldn't anymore.  My old car wasn't safe.  I have kids.  I came into a bit of money and decided to go for it and got a killer deal.  It's a Toyota people, not a BMW, a Mercedes, or a Rolls.

It really upset me.  It's the holiday season.  The season of giving, of being kind to your neighbor.  I was out with my kids.  I took one of their friends.  I see about one movie a year, because frankly, it's too expensive.  It saddens me that there are youth out there either not being taught about kindness and respect, or that they just don't give a shit.

That's all.  Thanks for reading.



  1. :( sorry for your egging, megan. Maybe it's a secret sign of prosperity for the new year? I think eggs mean prosperity. yes they do. <3

  2. I'm with Gae. I think being egged is auspicious. it signifies rebirth. new beginnings. shall I go on? oh yes, and prosperity! take washes off.......don't let it scramble your thoughts any longer.

  3. what you makes you so sure it was random? Could be a spurned suitor, jilted lover, blocked blogger...or mayhaps someone awaiting a a review?

  4. I completely agree with Gae. Look at it as a sign of a rebirth and new found prosperity in the coming year!

    But you're right, Megan. It does totally suck. What is WRONG with people? I almost want to think you were targeted, but then, they would have known where you lived and did it there, right? Wish you would have gone back in to security and maybe they would have shown you the video of the parking lot.

    If you'd shown some leg or something.

    :) BIG hug, and YAY for your new ride!!

  5. You guys are the best. I'm pretty sure it was random. First of all, hardly anyone knows I got a new car. Secondly, hard as it may believe, I don't have any enemies here. At least I don't think I do.

    I'll go with what you guys are saying, rebirth and all that. It's the only way to make sense of such a stupid act.

  6. what if it was just a bird flying over and whoops!

    Or maybe a crack-addicted chicken left it there as a Safe Harbor

  7. I'm going with those Mike. A much nicer thought.

  8. I love the comments of your followers and friends - but I also empathize. Once my house was egged (I was still in high school) and I didn't like the feeling it left in my tummy.

  9. Well, crap! (I typed carp first!) Yeah... maybe it was a random carp?
    I'm sorry that happened. Whoever did it was d.u.m.b. But, you should definitely go with the auspicious beginnings!

  10. Urgh! Sorry, Megan! My memory of living in the Pacific Northwest (at least Portland) was 'foreign' was a lot more common than American ANYWAY--Portland is famous for their Suburus... but anyone who KNOWS anything knows they are mostly made here anyway--the plants for manufacturing are in the US. I know... blasphemy from a Michigander, but there you have it. We drive a Toyota, too, though our reason is we buy used and need it to still have better than a hundred thousand miles to live--can't get that in American.

    MAYBE, other cars got egged near you, but their movie got out earlier. Whatever the case, I'm sorry it happened!

  11. I'm so sorry! I hate stupid mean kids. The morons certainly aren't worth any more of your time. Congrats on the new car and enjoy it - and know that people who do that sort of moronic stuff are just miserable and unhappy. Don't let them take you down with them!

    Glad you enjoyed the movie - my only complaint was too much time in the forest - rather boring - but I felt the same way about the book. I loved it when Dobby was in any scene - he rocks!

  12. Thanks Hart and Alyssa. Yes, morons, I told my kids to never do anything like that and if they were considering it, to remember how I felt right at that moment and think about if they would want to make someone feel like that.

    and yes, Dobby rocks. The time in the forest did drag a little, but I found myself just sitting there waiting in anticipation for Ron to get back. :) Great place to end the first part too.


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