I had my first Skype visit yesterday with Central A & M High School in Moweaqua, Illinois. One of their students had contacted me through my website and told me she was doing a book project for her class on Never Eighteen and asked if I had any ideas or could I come visit her class.
There were some technical difficulties on their end at first (a sound cord had come unplugged) but after that, it was awesome. I talked about my book, they asked some questions about writing and publishing. It was a lot of fun!
I'm sending a package of SWAG to the class.
The student sent me her Powerpoint presentation of my book yesterday afternoon and it was awesome. I guess her fellow classmates told her teacher she should get an A+.
I felt very honored to be invited into their classroom and told them I'd be happy to come back when I had another book on the shelf.
I have to thank author Bruce Hale for his awesome session on Skype at my local SCBWI conference a couple weeks ago. Good info that helped with my visit.
If you know of any middle or high school classes looking for an author to Skype with, pass my name along!
That's a very cool way to visit!