Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Fresh Starts

Photo by Alan Levine
How many fresh starts are we allowed in life anyway? I think the answer is: However many we require. I know I've taken my share, and I've currently taken another. 

I sometimes let stress get the best of me. It doesn't help that I'm Scot, Italian, and an Aries. I find myself getting angry, depressed. I find myself on a journey of serious self destruction sometimes to the point where I can't get out of bed for a couple of days. I felt myself getting there again. I can usually feel it coming and I had to stop it before it got to that point. It's not a good place to be.

These are the things I'm trying to do to not go to that dark place again:

  • Find my inner Zen. When I find myself getting angry, I'm going to take a couple of deep breaths before speaking or acting.
  • Don't use the word "hate". I usually reserve the word for petty things, but I'm going to try to cut the word out of my vocabulary altogether.
  • Continue exercising. I've been doing pretty good, I'm going to keep at it.
  • Cut down on the vino. I'm a writer. And Italian. I drink. 
  • Write for myself every day. It's cheaper than therapy. 
  • Try not to spread myself too thin. I seriously do take on a lot in life. Between my writing, working, kids, and house (cleaning, yard, etc) sometimes that's enough.
  • Get organized. My office is a mess. My house is a mess. my yard is a mess. Organization is not my strong suit, but I find myself losing important things, bills, and other stuff I'd rather have than not have.
  • Read about inspiring people. My reading time is short. I admit this. I'm reading all my fellow 2k12ers books. So, this is twofold. One is to read MORE, the other is to read about people like Mother Theresa, Gandhi, Buddha, and Anne Frank.

I think that's about it. We'll see how those things work out. How do you beat stress?


  1. Okay, this might not work for you because you already seem to be so busy. But I either stop and pick up my favorite book for a while, or I go for a walk (generally with coffee) in the most beautiful place I know (within reason). Focus on what's around you, not in you.

  2. I try to surround myself with friends and keep working out whenever I feel the blues coming on.

  3. Good ideas both. I am trying to read more, Heather. Not sure about my favorite book (I'm not much for rereading with so many new books to read on my shelf), but reading in general. I didn't do as much reading last year as I wanted, and really want to do more this year.

    Johanna, working out definitely is a must, which I'm doing. And I do try and see friends at least once week if possible. And I do have a boyfriend with a positive attitude that helps me through some of my anger issues. :)


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