Saturday, Holly Cupala happened to be in Portland for a book signing, so Mike and I arrived early to see if there was anything to do in the area. Unless we wanted to load up on coffee, food and beer, there was nothing to do.
So we hopped back in the car and headed to the waterfront where there was some kind of Doggie Run (um, yeah, those of you who know me probably know this was no thrill). Saturday Market was also taking place, so we shopped around a bit until it was time to go back to the book signing. The weather was gorgeous, so the walk was really nice.
Back to Holly. She read from her book, Don't Breathe a Word, which sounded fantastic, she gave away prizes (one was Never Eighteen, she's so sweet), I bought her book, got it signed, she gave me some swag for Things One and Two, and we headed back to our hotel. (BTW, Holly just recently had a baby boy and he is adorable and she looks great)
Then came the reason we were in Portland to begin with, Cirque de Soleil's show, Ovo. I'd never been to a Cirque show, Mike had been to at least four (I think, don't quote me). It was amazing, colorful and funny. And oh my god, the acrobatics. GASP! People were spinning things...and people...and doing things the human body has no reason doing. There was jumping and flipping and people flying in the air. And there was beauty and sitting on the edge of your seat and clapping and did I mention the gasping? There was one part in which there was a spider, which I don't like anyway, but she was so flexible I almost wanted to puke. It was kind of gross and I was pretty sure she was going to break her neck or some other important body part.
Then we came home early Sunday, I grabbed my Things (One and Two) and went to my parents house and sat in the sun, swam, read, and barbecued burgers and zucchini and made caprese salad. The weather was perfect, the company was perfect (aside from my girls, my sister, niece and nephew came down, and Mike came down after spending time with his mom).
So, all in all a beautiful, sunny, wonderful weekend. What did you do?
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