Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Monkey Madness Monday: Fresh Starts

How many fresh starts are we allowed in life anyway? Do you think we should be limited? I feel like I'm always starting over on something, mostly being healthy and happy in life.

Is it possible to sabotage our own health and happiness in favor of creativity? Sometimes I wonder if I do this to myself. I know that sounds horrible, but I think I may fear that if I let myself be utterly and completely happy I will use that edge that allows me to write the way I do.

The BF said maybe if I let go of that I'll be free to become an even better writer. What if he's wrong? What if I become completely blissful and I can't write another word? I'm already struggling with poetry. I have this crazy idea, which I'm keeping to myself at the moment, but involves poetry, but I'm not sure I'll be able to do it because I've not written a poem in...let's just say...awhile.  And don't get me wrong. I'm happy, but I keep that little bit of angst that give me an edge, teetering on madness, in my opinion, in a good way. lol. And really, I'd have to change the name of my blog, right? :)

Regardless of all that, I'm heading for a fresh start health wise. I ran yesterday. Something I hadn't done in a couple weeks, and while I wasn't really starting at square one, it was like two or three, so I have some work to do. And I eat well during the day and at dinner I fail. SO for this girl only good stuff. Fruit, veggies, poultry, fish, probiotics. Yep.

I think though, the bliss can wait for now.

1 comment:

  1. Poetry, huh? That's impressive. i cannot for the life of me write anything resembling a decent poem. But I totally get what you're saying about fresh starts and sacrificing health for creativity. I old my novel writing instructor that if I don't gain 30 lbs by the time my book is done I'll be disappointed. Suffer for your art and all that. But I'm trying to stay healthy. Walking and running helps clear the mind in addition to burning off those calories. Plus sometimes you just need to put the writing aside for an hour and enjoy life, ya know?


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