Monday, August 8, 2011

Monkey Madness Monday Sans the Monkey

Instead of a monkey, I have to show you these pics of this cute little Australian girl.  She's been wanting to read and review Never Eighteen, but HMH doesn't ship to Australia.  I took it upon my self to send her one of my precious arcs and some swag.

I mean seriously.  How cute is she?  And she started the book yesterday and so far is liking it. *whew*.

I want to thank Romi for being so excited about the book.  She made my day.


  1. Oh, this is great, Megan! Must be so exciting to have someone so enthusiastic!

  2. this is the stuff that makes it all worthwhile!

    Better than any monkey. For sure. :)

  3. I got a request from Romi, too. I didn't realize she's such a young thing! Cutie pie.

  4. Caroline, you should send to Romi if you can. She's such a sweet cutie pie. It wasn't that much to send to Australia.

    And yes, these moments overshadow the stressful ones for sure and makes it worthwhile.


My Dad. He's awesome.

John Messina, Personal Injury Attorney

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