Friday, August 19, 2011

F³A: Videos, the weather, and awesome reviews

Looks like fall is back in the Pacific Northwest.  It's nice and foggy out. sigh.  Glad I got some yard work done yesterday (not really by choice).

Be prepared for more ranting coming your way from yours truly now that the sky is turning gray. (what's the difference between gray and grey?  I'll have to look that up)

I want to share a review I received yesterday that pretty much made me cry.  In a good way.  Read it here.

So, I made a new trailer for Never Eighteen.  I want your opinion.  I did a voice over rather than titles this time.  I want to know if you like the old version better, or the new.  You can find the old version on my youtube page.

Here is the new.

I also started a new vlog series.  Middle Aged Angst.  You can find it here.  The video quality isn't the best, I used a new program.  Will have to go back to the old software for the next one.

That's all for the cold gray Friday.  Leaving you with my nibbles:

Random iPod Shuffle Song: The Sun by Joe Purdy. He was letting you download songs for free on his website.  Not sure if you can do that anymore.

Netflix of the Week: I'm going with, My Girlfriend's Boyfriend with Alyssa Milano.  I've been watching a lot of indie movies lately.  This one looked okay.  I wasn't expecting much.  However, what seemed to be the run of the mill romantic comedy had a crazy twist toward the end.  I liked it.

Book of the Week: Still, OyMG by Amy Fellner Dominy.  I started it, it's awesome, just have NOT had time to read.

Quote of the Week: I found two I like this week.  "Almost all my middle-aged and elderly acquaintances, including me, feel about 25, unless we haven't had our coffee, in which case we feel 107. " ~  Martha Beck

"Boys will be boys, and so will a lot of middle-aged men. " ~ Kin Hubbard


My Dad. He's awesome.

John Messina, Personal Injury Attorney

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