Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wednesday Weigh In: Ugh

These are not my hairy legs.
Yeah, um, well, I stayed pretty much the same. I maybe lost  1/16 of a pound.  I've exercised every day though, I could maybe attribute at least part of it to muscle gain? (wishful thinking, but that's what they say you know)

I've been vacillating between weight watchers and low carb.  I haven't been doing well on the weight watchers, but I paid for it. (will they give me my money back?)

I was kind of doing a combo, but that's not really working for me.

I think I'm going to have to go low carb.  I was doing that a few weeks ago and lost five pounds (which somehow found their way back).  I like using The Daily Plate on the Livestrong website.  It has every food under the sun to track with nutrition info for all of it.  You can track your exercise, set how many calories you want to eat in a day.  I think I may just go back to using that.

I would like to drop some of this weight before my author event next Friday.  Wish me luck.


  1. Oh, Megan - I totally get this. Wishing you much luck in reaching your goal weight in time for your author event. BTW - What is the event - I must have missed that exciting news!

  2. Good luck, but you look beautiful, baby.

  3. Thank you ladies.

    Juanita, Lisa Derting, Gwen Hayes, Tome Llewellyn Danny Marks, and I are going to be at a library teen after hours event in Dupont, Washington. I'm totally nervous as it's my first. Hopefully it won't be an epic fail. :)

  4. Oh, man--I so hear you. I really need to pull my intake under control, but stress is the worst and I've been under it fairly constantly... if only I were a millionaire, then I'd be gorgeously svelte... Good luck with your plans!

  5. Megan, my best friend always tells me I need to keep some fighting weight on,just in case I get sick. So think about your (very few) extra pounds as fighting weight and don't worry about it too much. I'm sure you look fabulous the way you are. And, a quick side note, I'm sure you'll shiver off any extra poundage as soon as the damp and rain returns. I know I always do :)

  6. Hart, I hear you about the stress. Gets me every time.

    Johanna, I actually have more than a few pounds to lose, sigh. I've got to get it off before I gain my winter weight. lol.


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