Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday Weigh In

I did better this week.  -1 pound.  yay me.  I'm keeping up with my exercise, though I think it's time to throw some Pilates in the mix.  I've also cut down on my Starbucks. sigh.  Yes I know how many calories are in my venti non fat no whip white mocha, but sometimes I can't help myself.

I'm hoping when the weather changes I still force myself to walk outside.  Exercising inside just isn't the same.  The fresh air clears my head too. I think I'll be more productive if I continue outside.  We'll see when the time comes.


  1. Good work, Megan. And I'm happy to hear that you're thinking of doing some Pilates!

  2. I love pilates. Used to do it. Need to get back to it.

  3. I need to do the Zumba every day. It's a lot of fun. I don't think I could do a class with fifty other real in shape people, but in my living room, I look good doing it alone. LOL! :D (I can TELL myself that, anyway)

  4. Congrats! I am starting today... an exercise plan immediately with Weight Watchers added later this month... So well done!

  5. Good luck ladies. I like the Zumba too. I took a class when I belonged to a gym. Thinking I may need the gym again.


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