Monday, August 22, 2011

Monkey Madness Monday

It certainly feels like a Monday, that's for sure.  I slept like crap last night. Ugh. 

I need a vacation. Seriously.  I've been doing all this marketing work for the book  (discussion guides, postcards, bookmarks, etc, etc, etc, and the day job has been INSANE!!

But I have no vacation time until next month.  And even then, I probably need to save it because I have no idea what I'm going to need once this book comes out.

So, I have my first author gig this Friday.  A reading, Q&A with a few other writers, Danny Marks, a fellow 2k12er whose book, Velveteen releases next fall, Kim Derting, Gwen Hayes, and Tom Llewellyn.  It's a teen after hours party at the Dupont Library.  They only have 15 spots left, so if your 12-18 year old is interested in going, click here to register.

I'm completely nervous.  I have to pick an excerpt from my book to read, which I should have done ages ago yet didn't.  I need to pick one like tonight so I can practice. Ugh.

This will give me some good practice though because I have another event in October, Bookfest NW where I'm going to be on a panel with a few other 2k12ers and Apocalypsies.

Wish me luck and happy vibes that I don't throw up all over my audience.

Happy Monday.


My Dad. He's awesome.

John Messina, Personal Injury Attorney

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