Monday, August 1, 2011

Monkey Madness Monday

First off, here's my cute Monday Monkey.  Secondly, I have to correct something here on my blog. 

Remember back when I talked about Goodread reviews?  Well, apparently the reviewer I spoke about in general commented on that blog, and for some reason it did not post.  She thought I deleted it, which, those of you who know me know I wouldn't do.  I've been known to delete an entire blog of mine, a million facebook posts of mine, but never a blog comment.  I respect other people's opinions even if I don't like them or agree with them.

She  blogged about it, thinking I'm a disgrunted writer, which I don't blame her for, thinking I deleted her comment.  I'm linking to that blog here. In my original blog was more making a point about Goodreads reviews and respecting others opinions.

I'm linking to her blog because she was very eloquent and made some good points.  And now that is all I'll say on the subject.

I want to talk about my writing retreat.  It was great.  Only four of us.  Kristin Kendle talked about grammar and punctuation, Janet Oakley spoke on historical research.  I gave an totally unorganized (my style) presentation about the publishing process. 

I want to make it an annual event.  We have given it a name, as shown in the following logo (TSS for short).  I would to get more people involved, even though we want to keep it small.  We decided on eight people, though I would probably take it up to ten.  I already have people interested. 

If you're interested, it's at Ocean Shores, Washington, the third weekend of July.  If you want to come, respond to this blog, or send me a direct email.  Also, expect to give a presentation on a writing subject, expect to do some cooking, cleaning, and expect to learn and have fun.  Participants will be chosen by presentation proposal.  I want people who will be a good fit, not just first come first serve.

If I get a lot of interest, I may expand to those who just would like to learn rather than present.  But right now, we're tiny.  So, if you're interested in the learning process alone, let me know that too.  I'll see how many people are interested and go from there.

I wouldn't mind presentation from bloggers and famous writers either *cough Jay Asher cough Brent Hartinger cough Elizabeth Scott*  Excuse me.  Must have had something caught in my throat.

That is all for today.

Catch you on the flip side.


  1. Happy to hear you had a great retreat. I won't show interest just yet since those spots must be left open for the big trees. I think we share some favorite authors.

    Did you notice that the sun is shining?

  2. That's really weird. I've never heard of a comment just disappearing before.

    Writing retreats can be a lot of fun, and productive too, if you surround yourself with a bunch of people who are there to write instead of to gab. Glad yours went well. Maybe I'll come crash it at some point in the future. :)

  3. Angelina, yes sun.

    Ian, I know weird. Her other comment is there. Wondering if she forgot to push "send" or something. I don't even moderate my comments.

    And you should come crash. That'd be fun.

  4. Over the weekend I did a bunch of query/first page critiques on a blog as part of a contest. Later, when I read through them, at least 3 of mine were gone (and I know they weren't deleted, either). So, yeah, you never know with blogger.

    Glad you guys had fun at the retreat (and that you made progress!).

  5. Thanks Erica, and that's good to know. Of course, it could have chosen a better time to F up so I didn't look like a whiner cryer baby.


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