Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Banned Book Week Day 2

So this morning I read from Kurt Vonnegut Jr's Slaughterhouse Five.


  1. Slaughterhouse Five - one of my very favorite books, ever! I just don't understand why this book was ever baned. Was it the weird timeline? The dangerous concept that was is inherently bad for children and other living things?

    Thanks so much for reading from it - and so it goes!

  2. half the books on the banned list i don't understand. because someone, somewhere was offended by it

  3. Great readings, Megan. When people read these, you can just completely understand why they're classics. I want to go drop everything I'm reading to go re-read Slaughterhouse Five.


  4. I know, right? I want to read it and the color purple right now!! And then there's todays book . . .


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