Monday, September 19, 2011

Monkey Madness Monday

Yep Monkey Madness Monday.  I don't have much for you today.  Had a busy weekend.  A long walk in the rain, two soccer games (one on an island so there were two ferry rides involved making it an all day event).  Not a good weekend for area sports.  Both girl's teams lost and my Hawks *shakes head*. 

Teachers are still on strike.  We're going to feel it at the end of the year.  Which as my older daughter says doesn't matter because the weather doesn't even get nice until July.

And I believe Fall is officially upon us, even though the temperature seems to be having hot flashes.  It was really humid here yesterday.  That mixed  with my own hot flashes doesn't bode well.

I didn't do my housecleaning like I wanted over the weekend.  Too much going on plus I've just been so tired.  And there's so much to do and the weather caught up with me.  A shed still needs to be built, a pool drained, There's a badminton set getting soaked and I'm afraid to move it because I'm sure there's a family of earwigs living under it now. sigh.

I need a vacation.  Maybe a weekend of solitude at the beach again.

Happy Monday all.


  1. Thanks Megan! You made me feel like blogging for the first time in a long time.

    I am pretty sure that you can use your talents or otherwise influence some people to drain your pool and and deal with the earwigs. Shed built from a kit by friends for wine and pizza?

  2. Thanks Mary. I hope to drain the pool this week (today would be good since there is actually some sun in the sky. I've got a friend working on the shed, but she's busy too. And OMG, you should see the weeding I have to do.Yikes.

  3. Megan I know the feeling. The beauty of fall coming though is that I can leave the weeding and let nature do it's thing. I'll leave it to sleep for the spring.


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