Thursday, August 11, 2011

Third Degree Thursday: SWF seeks . . .

zac efron has nothing to do with this post
Divorced after seventeen years, dated a few times since separation, a year long on and off relationship just ended for what will be the last time.  Not that I want to date again soon, because I don't, and this is definitely not a personal ad, but last night as I lay in bed, I contemplated, what do I really want in a man.  These are some things I came up with:

Must be between the ages of 35-45.
Non smoker.
Kids okay, over the age of twelve.
No pets.
Drug free.
Drinker okay, but no hard liqs, preferably red wine drinker.
Education not too important, but would prefer some college.
Must have own transportation.
Must have own place to live.
Must have decent paying job.
Must me close to me in intellect.
Must read books.
Must be funny and have a sense of humor.
Must be somewhat cute.
Must be profound but not so deep that you bore me and talk over my head and are just plain condescending.
Must encourage health and fitness but not be a Nazi about it.
Must like to drive.
Must be patient.
Must treat me like an equal.
Must pitch in with the housework, especially laundry.
Must not be looking for a maid, babysitter, or live in.
Must not mind if there are 3 or more teens present at any given time.
Must not mind giving the occasional back rub.
Must enjoy quiet interspersed with moments of music (no country and very little jazz), movies, and laughter.
Must love to travel.
Must like to host social events.
Must like nights out.
Must love football and soccer.
Must encourage sports, but be patient and laugh when I bitch and moan and complain.  It is always worth it at the end for me.
Must be okay with female middle aged angst with a side of bi polar and a pinch of neurotic.

Is that too much to ask?  What do you look for in a significant other.


  1. Not at all! I'm sure he's out there waiting for you :)

  2. I'm not sure it would fit in a personal ad. :)


My Dad. He's awesome.

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